Monday 2 March 2015

6th Annual Virgin Islands Parade Was Astounding and Vibrant As Ever

Virgin Islands parade Sunday, March 1 was the 6th Annual Virgin Islands parade as a celebration of the territory’s 172th anniversary of independence. Traditional dances and music with Dominican Republic roots were seen at the day of annual revelry.

One of the highlights of the event were the free Presidente beers distributed on Sunday afternoon at the parade in King Street in Christiansted.

Though the parade ended at D.C. Canegata Park grandstand, the thousands of people who followed continued the revelry. The park was filled with different kinds of foods and beverages, stalls and merchandises.Virgin Islands parade

This year’s event has a noticeable fewer attendees compared to last time, but the enthusiasm and energy did not decline. Every reveler, young or old, had Santo Domingo flags waving in the air, bursting the atmosphere with hues of red, blue and white. Even the outfits and costumes of the people matched the color theme of the flags.

“Ballet Folklorico Dominicano” dance troupe offered magnificent performances that added life and vibrant to the event. Suited in red, white and blue shining sequence floral outfits, the costumes added glow and a full entertainment feel.Virgin Islands parade

While the The St. Croix Jeep Club helped the 16 jeeps decorate their vehicles with shiny and colorful embellishments with added flags waving beneath the wind. More than a dozen partakers with their vehicles and motorcycles honked their horns to keep the parade alive and energetic.

Many bars and restaurants also joined the event by giving away free Presidente beers, the major sponsor of the event and an iconic Dominican beer brewed in several breweries in the country.

Juan Carlos, one of the young attendees of the event wore a Kelly green Presidente T-shirt, said was delighted at the parade, “it was a great parade,” Carlos said “Yea mahn we’re having fun celebrating Independence Day.”

While Ronald Person, a former resident now living in San Francisco said, “and it was nice to see the people enjoying themselves. I enjoyed myself,” with glee obviously plastered in his wide smile.

The party lasted for hours, with people laughing and sharing smiles, dancing and singing with free beers in hand, until the very late peaks of the night.

6th Annual Virgin Islands Parade Was Astounding and Vibrant As Ever

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