Tuesday 31 March 2015

The Forum Presents Gabriel Lefkowitz and Kevin Class

Gabriel Lefkowitz and Kevin ClassGabriel Lefkowitz and Kevin Class

Gabriel Lefkowitz
(c) classicalcafe

This Saturday, April 4, The Forum presents the great violinist Gabriel Lefkowitz and the talented pianist Kevin Class as it end its musical season. Starting 8 pm, stunning performances from both of the outstanding artists will be offered at Prior-Jollek Hall.

Lefkowitz is a native of the Boston area and currently residing living in Knoxville, Tenn. He is now in his third season as concertmaster of the Knoxville Symphony Orchestra (KSO). He finished a bachelor’s degree in music and economics at Columbia University, where he graduated as magna cum laude within three years. He claimed his Masters in Violin Performance at The Juilliard School that was back in May of 2010 where he studied with Joel Smirnoff and Masao Kawasaki.

Gabriel Lefkowitz and Kevin ClassGabriel Lefkowitz and Kevin Class

Kevin Class
(c) kevinclass

As a violinist, composer and conductor, Lefkowitz has lined up performances at 2014-2015 KSO seasons where he will play as a soloist in Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto in D Major (May Masterworks). As portion of the KSO’s highly anticipated and appreciated new concert series, “Gabriel Lefkowitz & Friends,” Lefkowitz will also host three solo/chamber recital programs at the Knoxville Museum of Art.

On the other hand, Kevin Class was born at Belgium and mastered music at Royal Conservatory of Brussels, as well as in United States and Canada. Some of his well-renowned teachers were Romeo Fracalanza, Ralph Votapek, Gyorgy Sebok and Daniel Blumenthal. In 1997, he recorded more than 15 CDs as a Fellow of the Flemish Community.

Some of Class’ striking performances are his concerts at Leeds’ Town Hall, Geneva’s Ansermet Hall, Munich’s Grosse Saal of the Hochschule fur Musik, Amsterdam’s Concertgebouw, Vienna’s Musikverein and New York’s Carnegie Hall. His live performance at China was televised nationally by China’s state television agency CCTV.

Gabriel Lefkowitz and Kevin ClassGabriel Lefkowitz and Kevin Class

(c) insideofknoxville

Gabriel Lefkowitz and Kevin Class upcoming performance in the territory will include pieces from Bartok to Tchaikovsky, Fritz Kreisler, Ravel and Faure.

Tickets range at $35, $10 for teachers and $5 for students. It can be purchased at Chelsea Drug Store, Frenchtown Deli, Interiors, Medicine Shoppe (Havensight) or online at instantseats.com. Starting 7 pm, Entrees and desserts will be offered from Café Amelia. Call 228-4777 for more information or visit The Forum Web site: www.theforum.vi.


The Forum Presents Gabriel Lefkowitz and Kevin Class

St. Thomas International Regatta 2015

2015 St. Thomas International RegattaThe most awaited St. Thomas International Regatta just took place under the perfect sunny days of March 27-29, where tons of racers, supporters, organizers, organizations, groups and significant stunning characters partook.

The 43rd St. Thomas International Regatta comprised of 3 memorable days of fun, friendship, laughter and sport, where boat and yacht racers were scheduled based on their category. Always the best parts were the after-parties of the competitions that took place as the moon shined luminously. Everyone was in bliss and gladly congratulated all the winners and the contestants whom were all very outstanding.

2015 St. Thomas International RegattaThe first day of the event, March 25, the registration of the prospect racers happened as early as 11 am until 3 pm. Meanwhile, the Regatta Club Grill opened for lunch for all the people who were very supportive on the initial day. When the sun signed off, the Press Party at Water Point begun. And though the party had an invitation-only policy, guests, sponsors and known individuals who showed enthusiasm for the race, have swarmed the event. David and Sherri Morgan opened their gorgeous home to welcome the international press who mingled with sponsors, race officials, and regatta staff. While the Full Circle band offered their enticing music at the background.2015 St. Thomas International Regatta

The next day, March 26, the registration for interested racers continued from 11 am to 4 pm. When the clock had set on 5, the anticipated opening party at St. Thomas Yacht Club began until the late hours of 11 pm. The club also offered mouth-watering fine dinner for only $15, while Libird Band played music at the background from 6-10 pm.

2015 St. Thomas International RegattaThe very first day of the race was full of excitement, as all contestants, new, contenders and defending champions from previous years showed eagerness and competitiveness. The event started as early as 8 am, where complimentary breakfast were served to all. First signal of the race was launched at 11 am. Racers and supporters were intense and keen for the results, while staff and organizers provided the needs of the crowd. Lunch and dinner buffets were served at St. Thomas Yacht Club, as well as the jump-up party. The first after-race party was a success, while John Gazi and Ah We Band kept the vibe groovy with their pleasing melodies.2015 St. Thomas International Regatta

Second day of the event was as well intense and energy-filled. The first call of the race started at 11 am for a different category. Lunch and dinner was served from 12-8pm while Flip Switch offered music to the crowd. After a zealous fight was the most-waited Yacht Haven Grande Party that opened at 6:30 pm. And where everyone unwound, relaxed, and has exchanged smiles, laughter and commends to competitors and winners. The night was intimate and gleeful with background music from marvelous artists of Spectrum Band. At the late hours, the party turned insane and wild! Good thing free shuttle service to and from STYC was provided from 6-12am.2015 St. Thomas International Regatta

The 3rd and final day of the event on March 29 was certainly indelible. Last batch of racers was called at 11 am. Everyone was excited, nervous and joyous for the final leg. Lunch and dinner buffets were available from 12-10pm with music from the talented people of Full Circle band. At 6:30 pm, simultaneous as the sky colored tangerine, the most anticipated highlight of the event, Regatta Awards Ceremony happened at STYC Beach. The Final Fling party initiated at 7pm beneath the grounds of STYC while good music from Spectrum Band flowed and filled the ambiance. The stars shimmered above the most blissful people who became part of the wondrous 43rd St. Thomas International Regatta.2015 St. Thomas International Regatta

Generous sponsors of the event were Sunsail, Presidente, Crowley, Jewels, Little Switzerland, Aero MD, Tag Heuer, Cruzan Rum, Glazers, Yacht Haven Grande, Switlik, Budget Marine, Gill, The Moorings, VI Tourism, and others.

Results of the race will be found here:


2015 St. Thomas International Regatta

2015 St. Thomas International Regatta

2015 St. Thomas International Regatta

2015 St. Thomas International Regatta

2015 St. Thomas International Regatta

St. Thomas International Regatta 2015

Monday 30 March 2015

Tie It Into My Hand Will be Showing at St. John School of the Arts

On April 7, Tuesday, St. John Film Society will feature “Tie It Into My Hand” at the St. John School of the Arts in Cruz Bay, where they will let the public witness the marvelous film for only $5.

Tie It Into My Hand

(c) tieitintomyhand

“Tie It Into My Hand” is a documentary film directed by Paul Festa. It is about Festa’s own life story during the phase that he encountered challenges in his existence. Festa was trained at Juilliard to be a professional violinist who plays at concerts. Due to a chronic hand injury that affected his hand’s ability, his career path in music was hindered. This documentary film is a compilation of interviews with various eminent directors, filmmakers, visual artists, writers and performers, like Alan Cumming, Barbara Hammer, Peter Coyote and Harold Bloom, who were asked by Festa to teach him, play the violin. These talented people shared their views, insights and beliefs about the life of an artist, where they dramatically and enthusiastically expressed their passion, as well as disappointments. The film also featured how the injury changed Festa’s path and how he got up after a depressing point in life.

Tie It Into My Hand

(c) iytimgcom

On Screen/In Person is a foundation that has goals of delivering the best independent American films and their filmmakers to the grasp of the communities residing across the mid-Atlantic region. One of their dedications is to let the creators of the films tour on different sites and showcase their pieces of art to have a greater chance of showing it to a larger audience.

Tie It Into My Hand

(c) midatlanticarts

After the film showing, Festa will have a press conference where the audience could ask him any questions they desire. His 2014 project, “Tie It Into My Hand” is currently work-in-progress at the Cannes Film Festival and the ODC Theatre in San Francisco. Paul Festa also produced, wrote and edited the Emmy-nominated documentary ‘Stage Left: A Story of Theatre in San Francisco” with director Austin Forbord and is the author of “OH MY GOD: Messiaen in the Ear of the Unbeliever,” based on his first film, “Apparition of the Eternal Church” (2006).




Tie It Into My Hand Will be Showing at St. John School of the Arts

Saturday 28 March 2015

St. Croix"s Cost-U-Less Sells Rotten Supplies

Cost-U-Less St Croix

(c) d3upqe3af5vcfz.cloudfront

A recent report has uncovered unacceptable news about the crops being sold at Cost-U-Less wholesaler on St. Croix. The reports stated that numerous customers have seen a lot of rotten produce in the said that are still sold and purchasable for a normal price.

After the Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs (DLCA) heard about the news, the committee said that they would conduct further investigations where Commissioner-designee, Devin Carrington, called the findings “completely unacceptable” and stated that “there is no reason why our consumers should be treated any differently than consumers on the mainland where this company is headquartered.”

Cost-U-Less St Croix

(c) viconsortium

Carrington added that though the Virgin Islands Code assigns the regulation of the quality of food items on store shelves to the Department of Health, Division of Environmental Health, the role of DLCA is to “ensure that a licensee does not allow or permit in the licensed establishment any improper or wrongful behavior of a substantial character and of public concern.”

“This situation is most certainly wrongful and of public concern,” said Carrington, “based on these reports, the department shall do its investigation and take appropriate action against the establishment as provided by law. Where fines are warranted, the licensee shall pay.”

Cost-U-Less St Croix

(c) viconsortium

Carrington also said that the consumers have all the rights and power in defeating “wrongful and improper” deeds of retailers and other businesses. DCLA said it is a big help for them especially because the department lacks weapons for such shortage of employees that results to conduction of investigations only “as often as needed”.

However, Carrington said the department prefers that the public would first reach out to them if ever they encounter any issues from businesses, and he also urged that the consumers would let the community know of the existing problems by “all means of publicity available.”

Cost-U-Less St Croix

(c) viconsortium

As a resolution, the DLCA will soon be launching a Facebook page where consumers could post pictures of their experiences to give the department’s inspectors and enforcement officers timely information so that they may take action. Carrington also said they could email photos and reports to DLCA staff at info@dlca.vi.gov.

For more information or to file a report, consumers may visit DLCA offices or call (340) 714-3522 on St. Thomas or (340) 713-3522 on St. Croix.

St. Croix"s Cost-U-Less Sells Rotten Supplies

Thursday 26 March 2015

Delaware Family Poisoning Ascertained to be Caused by Terminix Company

delaware family poisoning (c) viconsortium

Friday, March 20 the Delaware family was rushed to Roy L. Schneider Hospital on St. Thomas after having seizures from what is assumed to be chemical poisoning. Monday, March 23 EPA declared that pesticides might have been used to fumigate a room at a resort on March 18.

The investigation continued Tuesday and where U.S. Environmental Protection Agency spokesman Elias Rodriquez said the company that used the pesticide containing methyl bromide was identified as the St. Thomas-based Terminix.

The four individuals who said to suffer from the effects of the chemicals are Steve Esmond, his wife Theresa Devine, and their two children, Ryan and Sean. Now their condition is currently recovering and fortunately on a good and safe state.

delaware family poisoning (c) rlshospital

The investigation actions last Tuesady was EPA crew who took air samples in the Sirenusa unit that formerly occupied by the family. They were sent to an EPA ans was approved for laboratory testing.

“They’re taking more samples tomorrow,” Rodriquez said.

Based on EPA’s website, methyl bromide is an odorless, colorless gas that has been used as a soil and structural fumigant to control pests across a wide range of agricultural sectors.

As methyl bromide was discovered to drain the stratospheric ozone layer, the amount of methyl bromide produced and imported in the U.S. was cut down slowly until it was phased out in Jan. 1, 2005 This is to meet the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer Protocol and the United States Clean Air Act.

However, there are still exceptions to the ban on using methyl bromide when it’s used to pest control in agriculture.

delaware family poisoning (c) i.dailymail
proper fumigation

St. John resident Todd Roskin, a licensed pesticide operator who owns St. John Solutions, said that though pesticides containing methyl bromide were phased out, an equally hazardous chemical called Vikane is still currently used.

Roskin said it’s not the toxicity that may have caused the problem at Sirenusa but the process of fumigation. He said that those chemicals before using should call for evacuation of the entire building when it’s a multi-unit building. He added that if it will be used in a small area, the pesticide operator is supposed to construct a tent around the area as well as large spaces like buildings should be tented, he said.

“The gas stays there for 48 hours,” he added. After that the area should remain vacant for another day.

“It’s about a three-day procedure,” he said.

Roskin added that it’s probable for the fumigation gas to transfer from room to room as it can pass through the electrical conduits.

He said that the pesticides containing methyl bromide and Vikane were used because the wood in the building is infested with dry wood termites or powder post beetles that live inside the wood and destroy it.

He also noted the difference between extermination and fumigation. He pointed out that extermination is when a liquid is spread on areas where insects live or leave trails while fumigation is when a gas like the pesticide containing methyl bromide and Vikane are used.

“It’s not routine pest control,” he said.

Delaware Family Poisoning Ascertained to be Caused by Terminix Company

Test Post from V.I. Connections Magazine

Test Post from V.I. Connections Magazine http://viconnections.com

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Davis Bay Beach, St. Croix

Davis Bay Beach (c) gotostcroix

Davis Bay Beach is also known as Carambola Beach. It is located at the North shore of St. Croix so expect to meet some tight turquoise colored waves, which is a good thing for surfers. Davis Bay has a fine white stretch of powdery sand and clear greenish blue-colored seas that is truly pleasing to the eye. It is surrounded with lush, steep mountains and hills, palms and coconut trees where hammocks hang and free for those who want to savor the sea breeze while sipping on a sweet concoction purchasable at a near cozy bar.

Davis Bay Beach (c) tripadvisor

Beach chairs and benches made from drift woods are also available for guests, as well as some snorkeling materials ready for renting at the local shops. Aside from the abundant bar and restaurants along the beach stretch that offers both local and foreign mouth-watering cuisines, mini golf and tennis courts could also be found just few walks away from the beach.

Davis Bay Beach is also near to the popular beach house, Carambola Beach Golf Club, which is located near the West shore. Occasionally, this beach golf club hosts parties and events where tons of people, guests, tourists and locals visit in search of a night ender revelry. Lawaetz Family Museum, which is located only five miles away from the beach is a worthy side trip that would let you explore an authentic Caribbean life, exposing the traditions and cultures of Virgin Islanders. Some historical sites are also located just few minutes away from the Davis Bay Beach such as the Estate Mount Washington Plantation, and the Cruzan Rum Factory. The newly renovated sport event venue, Paul E Joseph Stadium is located at the South West of St. Croix, just several miles distant from the picturesque beach.

Davis Bay Beach (c) tripadvisor

How to get to this paradise is easy; you can access the beach by car via the local road called “Prosperity”, which branches off of route 78. Guests should keep a look out for Carambola Beach Resort, which lines the beach. And the best fact about this magnificent, awe-inspiring, pristine and certainly alluring bay is it’s free to the public.

Davis Bay Beach, St. Croix

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Tom Mason and the Blue Buccaneers Live in Town!

Tom Mason and the Blue Buccaneers (c) tommason

Starting Wednesday, March 18, Tom Mason and the Blue Buccaneers, a pirate-themed band from Nashville, will again offer performances in the territory for two weeks.

Tom Mason just completed a tour at Australia with his latest album “The World is Ablaze,” that was released last fall. He will proceed directly to Virgin Islands after his tour, which he will also present his new album.

For 5 years, Mason and the Blue Buccaneers have been going back and forth every spring in the territory to entertain the crowd with their enticing and unique music of buccaneer blues and rock.

Tom Mason and the Blue Buccaneers (c) tommason

Tom Mason has already released seven CD’s including “The World is Ablaze”, “The Blue Buccaneer”, “Salmagundi”, “Alchemy”, “Where Shadows Fall”, “A Slide Guitar Christmas” (instrumental), and “A Pirate’s Christmas”. Addition to that, Mason has also released numerous collaborative CD’s, including two by the Big Happy on Western Beat Records and one with Nashville’s Lower Broadway stalwarts Swampgrass. He has also been featured on compilations such as “For Kate’s Sake: An Americana Christmas”, “The Other Side: Music of East Nashville”, and “Yuletide from the Other Side” and the new “East Nashville Volume 3”.

This year Mason and the Blue Buccaneers will do several shows of fun and as always, pirate-vibe portraying, melodies and the like. Also, in 5 years of performing in the territory, this year will be their first time at Water Island.

Tom Mason and the Blue Buccaneers (c) tommason

Tom Mason and the Blue Buccaneers schedule in Virgin Islands is as follows:

7 p.m. Wednesday, March 18 at Latitude 18 on St. Thomas;

7 p.m. Thursday, March 19, at Iggie’s at Bolongo Bay, St. Thomas;

7 p.m. Friday, March 20, Hull Bay Hideaway, St. Thomas;

Saturday, March 21, (time not listed) Shipwreck Landing, St. John;

Afternoon, Sunday, March 22, Dinghy’s Beach Bar and Grill, Water Island;

Monday, March 23 (No time listed), The Inn at Tamarind Court, St. John;

Tuesday, March 24 (time not listed,) The Beach Bar, St. John;

Wednesday, March 25 (time not listed,) The Beach Bar, St. John;

Friday, March 27 (time not listed,) Cheeseburgers in Paradise, St. Croix;

Saturday, March 28, two shows, Rhythms at Rainbow Beach, St. Croix;

3 to 6 p.m. Sunday, March 29, Eat at Cane Bay, St. Croix;

7 p.m. Monday, March 30, The Buccaneer, St. Croix.

For more information see http://tommason.net/.

Tom Mason and the Blue Buccaneers Live in Town!

Mcdonald"s Sunny Isle Branch Customer Finds A Roach In Her Drink

Mcdonald (c) viconsortium

Last March 6, a McDonald’s customer complained about a dead roach on her beverage she just drank. According to her, she bought a Big Mac combo special to go with a small fruit punch drink at the McDonald’s restaurant in Sunny Isle, St. Croix, Arcos Dorados around 11 in the morning when she got surprised and disgusted with the free dead insect she found on her drink. In response to this issue, the Sunny Isle McDonald’s branch released a statement after hearing the news.

According to the branch’s records, “the latest pest control cleaning services in the Sunny Isle store were made on February 25, 2015, February 16, 2015 and February 3, 2015 by a specialized company.” While also stating that the investigations pertained “where no allegations of this type have been received before.”

Mcdonald (c) viconsortium

The branch also mentioned in their statement that all of their restaurants “have regular sanitary cleaning and pest control maintenance. Besides the daily cleaning of our restaurant by our employees, thorough cleaning and inspection is performed approximately every two weeks by a specialized company to continue the delivery of good service, cleanliness, and value.”

The full response of McDonald’s Sunny Isle branch regarding the issue is as follows:

“For McDonald’s the quality and safety of our food is our biggest priority, as such we are committed to maintaining a clean and safe environment for all our customers. McDonald’s has the highest standards in the industry regarding quality and cleaning of all our restaurants and follow strict procedures to assure that all food and equipment areas are clean and sanitized. We strive to maintain the highest possible standards of quality, service, cleanliness and value for our customers.

Mcdonald (c) usviblogger

In keeping with our commitment, we are investigating the alleged incident reported in our Sunny Isle restaurant yesterday, where no allegations of this type have been received before.   We are fully cooperating with the Health Department officials who inspected the area.   It is important to mention, that the client returned with the beverage after leaving the restaurant.

As part of our protocol, all of our McDonald’s restaurants have regular sanitary cleaning and pest control maintenance. Besides the daily cleaning of our restaurant by our employees, thorough cleaning and inspection is performed approximately every two weeks by a specialized company to continue the delivery of good service, cleanliness, and value. Our records indicate that the latest pest control cleaning services in the Sunny Isle store were made on February 25, 2015, February 16, 2015 and February 3, 2015 by a specialized company.”

Mcdonald"s Sunny Isle Branch Customer Finds A Roach In Her Drink

28 Individuals Commended With Paul Harris Awards

Paul Harris Awards USVI (c) crsadmin

Under the luminous eve of Saturday, March 14, 28 individuals shimmered bright as they were given with Paul Harris Awards at Marriot’s Frenchman’s Reef during the 31st Annual Paul Harris and Rose Council Awards Gala.

As what the District 7020’s assistant district governor, Michael Toussaint said, the event was “the highlight of our Rotary year and recognizes contributions to our community.”

The award has been implemented in honor of the Rotary founder Paul Harris, where basis of nomination is those who contributed at least $1,000 to the club’s programs in any given year.

People who vowed to donate at least $1,000 every year would become members of the Paul Harris Society. Major donors would be those who will donate $10,000, whether by gift amounts accumulated over the years or through a one-time donation.

Paul Harris Awards USVI (c) clubrunner

Presidents of each club handed the awards to the 28 awardees that consisted of 6 members from by the Rotary Club of St. Thomas, five from the Rotary Club of St. Thomas II, three from the Rotary Charlotte Amalie, four from the Rotary East, and seven from Rotary Sunrise. Also, the Inner Wheel Club of St. Thomas also distributed three Paul Harris Awards.

Some of the awards were given to community members who’ve done significant works in the community such as heart surgeon Alfred O. Heath to LaVelle Campbell, whose crusade is to educate the public on the gang activities that have been happening in the territory. Because of that he recently earned the first Rotary Practice Peace STAR Award.

Paul Harris Awards USVI (c) stthomassource

Aziz Abu Sarah, executive director of the Center for World Religions, Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution at George Mason University, who first came to St. Thomas to speak at Rotary’s 2014 “Practice Peace” summit was also given the award since he had contributed vital works for the community’s good.

Though this year had a lower number of awardees from last year, which was 31, this is the first time that two local Rotary Clubs cooperated to give out the awards.

The 2015 Paul Harris awardees are as follows:

Rotary Club of St. Thomas:


Jacqueline Jocelyn Brown


Colleen Doumeng


Sanford “Sandy” Grishman


Dr. Alfred O. Heath


Gloria L. Salas-Lindquist


Leal Van Beverhoudt


Rotary Club of St. Thomas II:


Ray Barry


Edie Paljavcsik Johnson


Jean Paul Nel


Carol Pazik


Lennox Williams


Rotary Club of Charlotte Amalie:


Phyllis Almestica


LeRoy A. Claxton, Sr.


Donna M. Phillip


Rotary Club of St. Thomas East:


Hugh B. Arnold


Shirley Quetel-Hendricks


Carla D. Sarauw


Hon. Karen Hastie Williams


Rotary Club of St. Thomas Sunrise:


Patricia S. Bailey


Walter “Wally” Bostwick


Joseph M. Brugos


LaVelle Campbell


Elizabeth Elger


Majors Daniel and Valerie Hazeldine


Aziz Abu Sarah


Inner Wheel Club of St. Thomas:


Rita I. Coll


Ellen MacLean


Corrine Sparks Lockhart




28 Individuals Commended With Paul Harris Awards

Monday 23 March 2015

History of Fort George, in Road Town Tortola

British Virgin Islands is rich with historical places for foreigners and locals to discover. Time has crafted its lavish stories that brought to what BVI is now. One of the BVI’s historical places is the Fort George, found at northeast end of Road Town, Tortola above the Baugher’s Bay.

Fort George is a former colonial fort that is now a deteriorating building. It is said that the original Dutch settlers built it as a protection for the slave pens established in Port Purcell below. It is also said that the inhabitants of the original settlement were massacred in Baugher’s Bay in 1625.

Fort George BViFort George that was named after King George III, have undergone its main fortification around 18th century by the British in the era of the American war of independence as a part of the general upgrade of the fortifications of Road Town.

Fort George is a part of the tough and durable networks of fort for defense around Tortola. The other forts built for defense are the eponymous Road Town Fort (under what is now the site of the Boungainvillea clinic), Fort Burt above Road Reef on the south west side of the harbour, and Fort Charlotte set high above on Harrigan’s Hill.

Though Fort George is one of the most formidable buildings for defense built in the island, it did not actually engage to any combat after restoration by the British. The combination of the formidable martial defenses of Road Town, and relatively small strategic and economic importance of Tortola convinced both foreign colonial powers and privateers and pirates to focus on other targets within the region.

Today the Fort George is damaged by time and is now barely recognizable. And though it is featured in the British Virgin Island government’s promotional website, the relics of the Fort George lay on a private land and is not possibly accessible. The old Fort has now a house built in it, which is rented, and the only chance of getting near it is by a chance if the consideration of the tenants would agree.

History of Fort George, in Road Town Tortola

Monday 16 March 2015

The 46th Annual St. Patrick"s Day Parade

Sunday, March 15, the streets of downtown Christiansted hued green at the 46th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade where it gathered tons of revelers with their vibrant party themed, “One Love VI”.

St. Patrick (c) viconsortium

This year’s parade conquered the Company Street to Sunday Market Square and back down the King Street and thousands of people in green though not required participated lively.

Though the Sunday’s parade sponsored by Seaborne was not as wild like the previous years where people were throwing buckets of water and beer to participants, this year had the most number of partakers that have beaten all the past records. 30 entries added life to this year’s event where some troupes even came from January’s Christmas Carnival parade.

St. Patrick (c) stjohnsource

The two-hour parade of cuckoo costumes, dancing and revelry was a celebration for the Irish arts of drinking and outrageousness. Green rum and beers were distributed all through out the event while loud and enticing music bangs at the background that made people dance in glee.

“Pieces of the parade are here. Pieces of it are over there. It’s like a giant block party,” said Errol Morris while documenting the event for the government channel.

“It’s all about everyone having fun,” said resident Manny da Motta, one of the partakers who was obviously drowning in bliss. “I enjoy the high school marching bands. They’re really talented.”

The funds raised from the sales of products and drinks will go to the Dolphin Swim Team and the St. Croix Track Club.

St. Patrick (c) stevecotler

Track club secretary Mireille Smith said this was the first time the club received donations from the event in terms of funds, T-shirts and Irish themed trinkets.

“It’s awesome they’re giving to the club and showing committed support to the community,” Smith said. “The club will definitely make use of it.”

“It’s so much fun,” Elizabeth Shimer from Kansas said. “It was a very spirited parade. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

The 46th Annual St. Patrick"s Day Parade

WICO Cancels The Long Bay Landing Project

On a press release by WICO Wednesday, March 11, the plan called “Long Bay Landing”, which is for the construction of a new cruise ship pier in downtown St. Thomas has been cancelled due the foreseen possible negative effects to the quality of life of Virgin Islanders.

WICO USVi (c) avefunwithus.net

Randolph Knight, WICO board chairman, said that the panel “contemplated this decision intensely and at the heart of our decision to suspend the Long Bay Landing Project is the potential negative impact this project could have on the quality of life of Virgin Islanders as well as the visitor experience given the proposed location.”

According to WICO boards members, they came up with the decision due to their notion that they had not enough information about the impact the project can do in the environment such as it could add to the congestion of the key artery in the downtown area.

WICO USVi (c) famouswonders.com

The Long Bay Landing project was also said could damage the natural magnificence of Charlotte Amalie Harbor and was not in-line with the already approved projects of Charlotte Amalie Revitalization and Veterans Drive Design that have conceived a budget of more than $150M.

Knight and the rest of the board members left a promising word that they would find a more feasible area to pursue the project with the help of the executive staff, V.I. Port Authority, members of the Legislature and the community.

“We recognize that the visitor demand for St. Thomas continues to grow and we want to remain the major player in the cruise market that we are,” Knight said. “However, while this growth opportunity is critical, we must minimize the impact on our environment while enhancing the overall destination experience.”

WICO USVi Veteran design drive plan
(c) jaredian

As also Gov. Kenneth Mapp’s chief of staff, Knight assured the public that the government would continue to lend its helping hands in finding the perfect location for the project.

“We have already communicated this shift to the key cruise partners who have been in dialogue with the territory on this project, and while this particular location poses many concerns it is in no way a signal that the Virgin Islands is not dedicated to building the necessary capacity for the growing cruise industry,” Knight said.

WICO Cancels The Long Bay Landing Project

Saturday 14 March 2015

BVI Youth Gets The Chance to Earn $800 to $1,500/Month At Apprenticeship Program

According to minister of the youth affairs, Myron Walwyn soon to be participants at the government’s proposed apprenticeship program have a chance to earn $800 to $1,500 per month.

Youth Employment Programme (c) eastwick

According to Minister Walwyn, the job fair for the programme will be launched on March 30, 2015 where 85 BV Islanders between 18-29 years old will be chosen.

Applicant should also be currently unemployed and should register at Youth Employment Programme (YEP).

Minister Walwyn also said that the government and the private companies would share for the hiring costs of the employees. While also noting that the funds for te project has already been included in 2015’s government budget.

Youth Employment Programme (c) telegraph

He said that the payment will be based on the skills or experience gained of the applicants, which are categorized under 3 levels: The young ones who have no work experience at all; others that have no experience but have limited skills; and those who already have 2 to 4-year degree and adequate experience.

“The Ministry of Education and Culture will provide payment for each youth under the apprenticeship programme up to a maximum payment of $750 per month depending on the level of skills/qualifications; the employer is expected to match this amount. The youth will therefore earn a maximum total of $1,500 per month,” Walwyn said.

Youth Employment Programme (c) myron-walwyn

“For this reason, the rate of pay will be pro-rated from a minimum of $400 for persons who have little or no experience, $500 for persons who have acquired a two-year degree, to the maximum amount $750 for individuals who have a degree or working experience,” added Walwyn.

Walwyn also mentioned at the House of Assembly March 12, Thursday that the apprentices that will be hired will be given a 6-months contract working period. After that period, the employers will decide if they will place the worker in a permanent position.

“The programme is open to any business or industry partner throughout the territory who is willing to partner with the Ministry of Education and Culture to provide employment to young persons who meet the criteria for selection for a period of six months. At the end of the six months, it is hoped that the young person will have developed the requisite skills so that the employer will retain them in the job. A new cohort of young persons will be selected for the next Apprenticeship period,” said Walwyn.

Contractors who are interested to participate the programme can contact Brenda Lettsome-Tye, at 468-3351 or 541-1132. While applicants who would like to join the YEP as one of the apprentice program requirements can contact YEP coordinator, Albert Wheatley, at 494-0045 or 541-1981.


BVI Youth Gets The Chance to Earn $800 to $1,500/Month At Apprenticeship Program

Thursday 12 March 2015

Jazz on the Dock Presents Steve Turre On Shells and Trombone

On Tuesday, March 17 the West Indian Company Ltd. features Jazz on the Dock that will start at 5:30 pm until 9 in the evening.

Jazz on the Dock USVI (c) allaboutjazz

The event is set to happen at WICO dock gazebo area where jazz artists such as Steve Turre Quartet, featuring Steve Turre on shells and trombone, will be the main act; while the entire Ivanna Eudora Kean High School (IEKHS) Music Department, directed by Dionne Donadelle, Jeanette Rhymer and Kai Callwood, will be heading the opening act.

“What makes jazz so intriguing is the uniqueness of every performance,” said WICO president and CEO Joseph B. Boschulte. “Add an instrument as indigenous and as unique as the conch shell, and you have the makings of a memorable performance.”

At 5:30 p.m., IEKHS’s music department will begin performing. That will be followed by Steve Turre, Benito Gonzalez (piano), Gerald Cannon (bass) and Dion Parson (drums) taking the stage at 6:30 p.m.

Jazz on the Dock USVI (c) stthomassource

Turre is renowned to be one of the globe’s outstanding jazz innovators, trombonists and seashellists. He has unfailingly been voted as Best Trombone and Best Miscellaneous Instrumentalist in the readers’ and critics’ polls of JazzBeat, Downtime and Jazziz. This coming event would be his second appearance at WICO’s stage.

Since Rashaan Roland Kirk has introduced Turre to seashell as an instrument and after knowing that his relatives from Mexico also used the same instrument for music, he began incorporating seashells into his musical style.

Turre attended the Sacramento State University, and then joined the Escovedo Brothers salsa band since he has been exposed to mariachi, blues and jazz from an early age.

Jazz on the Dock USVI (c) jazzinchicago

When Ray Charles hired him to go on tour he began working with various list of artists in equally exposed genres, including jazz, pop and Latin.

Addition to his achievements, he has been a part of the Saturday Night Live band since 1984.

Many other known jazz artists are awaited at the event. The best thing is that the music event at WICO is free for all!

Jazz on the Dock is sponsored by The West Indian Company Ltd, United Jazz International LLC, Mentoring through the Arts of Music, A9 Enterprises, the V.I. Department of Planning and Natural Resources, the University of the Virgin Islands, Avis, the Virgin Islands Council on the Arts and the U.S.V.I. Department of Tourism.

Jazz on the Dock Presents Steve Turre On Shells and Trombone