Friday 27 February 2015

Students From Elmore Stoutt High School Conducted A Tour At Road Town"s Pier

Tuesday, February 24, students from Elmore Stoutt High School (ESHS) took a tour at the cruise pier project in Road Town, Tortola. students from Elmore Stoutt High School

Willis Potter was the leader of the students and the head of the technical department. He was also at the tour and said that decided to conduct a tour to give the students a real feel of the engineering site.

“The purpose of the tour is to expose the kids to a work site that introduces the field of engineering. This area has been looked down on negatively for years, as parents may not allow their children to go into the technical field, because it’s a grade three certificate and it’s a lower paying area. But, in actuality, this is where the money is,” Potter said.students from Elmore Stoutt High School

Potter also said it would let the students understand better the subject they are taking as a part of their pursuing course at ESHS.

Student Amali Graham, an aspiring enginner shared his thoughts about the tour and said that it was an effective eye-opener.students from Elmore Stoutt High School

“It is a positive experience for me coming here as I get to see all the work being done here. This will encourage me even more as I want to become an engineer,” Graham said.

One of the only 2 girls of the group was Khadijah Henry who said she was delighted and inspired because of the tour.

“It was interesting, I learn a lot about the set up, and how things are done,” said Henry.

The students were given a full gear of protection including safety hats. They were assisted to the every corner and aspects of the area, while the guide gives several notes and trivia regarding the place and the process.students from Elmore Stoutt High School

It was noticeable that the students felt amazed and curious about the pier and how the work flows systematically.

Assistant Principal of Pastoral Affairs at ESHS, Donna Clyne, was also on the tour facilitated by project manager at the pier park Dion Stoutt.

Students From Elmore Stoutt High School Conducted A Tour At Road Town"s Pier

Students of Alexander Henderson Elementary School Dispersed Due to Mold Threat

Wednesday, February 25, a meeting between Sen. Kurt Vialet and concerned residents took place at Croix Educational Complex regarding the build up of molds that could affect the health of the students of Alexander Henderson Elementary School.

Alexander Henderson Elementary School Molds at School

At the meeting, the issue regarding why the government is not prioritizing the development of the school’s education was also tackled.

One concerned women that was a former student of the school said, ““[It’s been happening] since I’ve been going to school, and I’m 26 now.”

“I was going there since I’ve been in 2nd grade, and this mold issue has been a problem. But you mean to tell me, this little bit of rain happened and caused this fiberglass situation? Okay, that could have happened, but the mold issue is a big thing going on here. Now, for them to say that they’re going to wipe off everything? Mold is a serious situation, and if they couldn’t do it in the last couple of years, how are they going to do it in fifteen days?hendersonschoolmeeting-300x300

“And then, [Assistant Commissioner Charmaine Hobson-Johnson] said it’s a transition for the children and it’s an experience. [Well] this is not a situation they need to be experiencing now, when they’re supposed to be moving to the next level. So, if some of these children start failing in their work, you mean to tell me that they’re going to stay back because the transition didn’t work well with them? That’s not right,” the woman added.

As a solution, Henderson students are distributed to different schools of St. Croix. Students in Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grades will be placed at Eulalie R. Rivera, which is also known as Grove Place school; students in 3rd and 5th Grades will transfer to Charles H. Emmanuel; students in 4th Grade, will be put at Claude O. Markoe Elementary School; and those in 6th Grade, or enrolled in a gifted or talented class will be placed at Authur A. Richards Junior High School.Henderson personality (1)

One concerned mother raised her concerns saying, “That’s next to Grove Place — I’m not saying it in a bad way, but you understand what I’m saying. All these kids having lunch together, how many monitors are going to be down there watching all of these children? Who knows if these kids are going to be bullied? You never know.”

While, one school counselor who also attended the meeting due to his nephew that’s a Henderson student, though sympathizing with the parents said, “children are resilient and they will adapt. Parents need to calm their heads.”

When the concerned mother was asked what would be her suggestions as a rather solution to the issue she said, “I think that, honestly, that mold issue has been going on for years. Just the same way how they closed Patrick Sweeney Police Headquarters because it was infested with mold, is the same way they need to close [Henderson] and build another school.

“It’s going to take some time, but the same way they had money and they find money to do certain things, they need to find money to fix these schools for the children and make them look like schools,” she said.

Some parents said that new schools should be funded and established at the territory. Vialet responded to this and said that though the suggestion is a good idea, it would not fix the current problem, instead, regular maintenance of the facilities should be implemented.

“I heard a lot of people saying let’s build a new school, but even if you were supposed to start today and say that we’re going to build a new school, to get the financing, to develop plans, to get a contractor and put out an RFP, you’re looking at two years down the line,” he said.

“A new school is not going to go up in six or seven months if you’re going to do it right,” Vialet added. “So a new school right now wouldn’t be a solution for what we’re presently going through.”

He continued: “And we don’t need one new school, we need multiple new schools because the facilities are aging, and there’s been a lack of maintenance over the years.

“So right now I think the focus of the Department of Education must be the need to hire maintenance personnel at all schools so that small problems don’t become huge problems. You have a small like, a trickle, you don’t address it, and eventually it’s a river. We need that maintenance staff, on the school site, with specific directives that they are to look at, repair what they can, and what they can’t, they need to contract out as quickly as possible.

“Because there are some problems that could have been fixed by spending ten or twenty thousand dollars, but we said we didn’t have any money, and then we wait until it becomes a problem that’s going to cost us one hundred to two hundred thousand dollars. So, we need to systematically go through all the schools and fix those areas that need to be fixed now to stop this mold growing up”

Students of Alexander Henderson Elementary School Dispersed Due to Mold Threat

Thursday 26 February 2015

Prepare Yourselves, Krewe de Croix"s Mardi Croix Parade Is Coming!

The most colorful, enticing, energy teeming ‘Krewe de Croix Mardi Croix Parade’ is just a couple of night sleeps away! This event that is usually celebrated on Saturday before Fat Tuesday will bombard the streets and shore of Cane bay, St. Croix with a week of wild revelry starting the first day of March. Mardi Croix Parade

Mardi Croix, organized by Krewe de Croix, is the Crucian version of Mardi Gras but with an island twist. Krewe de Croix is a group of Louisiana transfers whom also are Mardi Gras enthusiasts. The parade usually begins at 12 noon in La Valle and will take over the streets with deafening party sounds, colorful costumes, food, insane revelers and vibrant life beginning at North Shore down to past Cane Bay Beach.

Krewe de Croix also organizes the Krewe de Barkus Dog Parade that will happen at Christiansted Boardwalk and the Beard Contest. All of this plus the never-ending parties will take place in a whole week. Mardi Croix Parade

Colorful floats with purple and green hue themes are expected at the celebration and of course, beads of any kind, color and length. Attendees should prepare their most lavishing, outlandish, cuckoo and preposterous outfits in able to fit in.

Laughter, smiles, friends, kids, and strangers share the same happiness of this most awaited event. Every corner and every bar are jammed with people partying from earliest hour of day to the wee hours of night. Even Cane bay will be swarmed with residents, foreigners and locals who wish to dip at the stunning and panoramic bay when partying becomes too intense.Mardi Croix Parade

Different foods of local and usual cuisine such as hotdogs and pates will overflow the streets as vendors claim the opportunity of a thick pack of prospect buyers. Various drinks from alcoholic mixes like painkillers and refreshing fresh fruit juice is a necessity of an event like Madri Croix. A lot of souvenirs of different types from crafts to jewelries, artworks and pipes will as well satiate the rest of the area.

Surely the event will give glee like no other celebration. There are so many things to do in a week of full barraging energy with a little bit of bonkers. So save the date and be part of Krewe de Croix’s Mardi Croix Parade!Mardi Croix Parade

Prepare Yourselves, Krewe de Croix"s Mardi Croix Parade Is Coming!

Dir. Pickering Avoided The Meetings Regarding Proposed Protected Area -Anegada Fishermen

Fishermen of Anegada assume that Deputy Premier and Minister for Natural Resources Dir., Honourable Kedrick D. Pickering has been avoiding the meetings with them, where they should have raised their concerns and questions regarding the Proposed Protected Area around the Island.Anegada fishermen

“He sends all sorts of people to hold meetings. We went to that meeting expecting to hear from him, directly not no representative, I really don’t feel that we are getting anywhere on this matter because what they are bringing to us we have major issues with that,” said one concerned fisherman from the sister Island.

Anegada fishermen Honourable Kedrick D. Pickering

Fishermen presumed the assumption when the Honourable Pickering went missing at all four meetings, which himself organized.

Another fisherman voiced out his thoughts saying, “People here want to meet with the minister, but the Minister (Hon Pickering) like he running. People were very disgruntled about the Minister himself, we want to know why he ain’t show up, this is under his portfolio and he ain’t showing up. They postponed it before and then this time when we went there expecting to see him, he ain’t show up, why is he running? That’s what we want to know, we are not happy with this whole thing.”

Based from Mr. Joseph Smith-Abbott, Government Information Service (GIS) Deputy Secretary within the Ministry of Natural Resources and Labour, though the fourth meeting is the final conference about the Proposed Protected Area, all of the concerns, suggestions, and details of minutes will be passed and will be surely seen by the Cabinet, which will be resolved in due time.Anegada fishermen

However the fishermen said that their issues did not receive any assurance that the government actually hears them. One fishermen said, “Government wants to make certain areas restricted in the sense that you can fish but you have to fish under certain license but what the Anegada people are saying is you want us to fish under license but yet you have no regulations as to controlling the outer people from coming in our water and fishing.”

Anegada fishermen“They don’t have nothing set up to police the water but yet they want to put we under license and they giving people overseas, fishing boats from St. Thomas license to come catch our fish here and go back to St. Thomas to sell it and we getting nothing,” as another fisherman intervened the discussion.

One fisherman also started ranting saying, “This government is bent on doing what they want and their coming here is just formality they not coming to genuinely take our concerns into consideration. By law they have to hold four meetings so they would come and hold four meetings, if three people turn out they report that there was a big turnout, the meeting before this when the Minister came it was a big turnout yes but if they only reporting that they had a good turnout this time is nothing but pure lies, it was just a handful who came.”

The fishermen who cried out their thoughts wished not to be named for protection.

Dir. Pickering Avoided The Meetings Regarding Proposed Protected Area -Anegada Fishermen

The New Peebles Hospital Still Needs More Staff and Equipment -Health Minister Skelton

In a recent interview with Health Minister Ronnie Skelton, he stated that the new Peebles Hospital is not yet 100% operational due to the lack of several equipment and staff.

Peebles Hospital Minister Skelton

Minister Skelton’s statement was the response from Opposition member Julian Fraser’s question at the house of Assembly where the minister gave an outline about the current status of the hospital.

“We have six stations and three are being used. The Nursery Unit has been converted into a triage area. Babies are now being housed with their mothers,” adding to his words that the Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit is now 80% operational.

While at Post-Partum and Intensive Care and CCU Unit, Minister Skelton said that these areas are almost 90% operating. Half of the beds from the Post-partum Unit are being utilized but more staff is still required to fully operate.Peebles Hospital

“These units have six beds and – on average – three beds are accessible. This unit requires additional staff to become fully operational,” Skelton said.

When Skelton discussed about the surgical rooms he said, “It is 75% completed as this too requires additional staff and equipment to be fully optimized.” Pertaining to the two out of three rooms in the department that are being used.

The PACU (Recovery Room), which has four beds still need more added staff to operate fully. As of now this department is 75% functioning.Peebles Hospital

The health minister also mentioned that The Endoscopy Unit would not be used for patient purposes until June.

As the minister explained that they are now giving out their best efforts to suffice the needed equipment and fill the vacant positions for the Peebles Hospital to fully operate he also noted that ““The interdisciplinary teams lead by the attending physician – with support from Social Services – assist with the identification and location of alternate sites Eureka, SRMC (STT), HIMA (PR), PAVIA (PR), Jackson Memorial (FL), Baptist Health (PR). These are examples of our many partnerships that we have forged in the best interest of the BVI community to ensure that our people have access to the necessary care that they need if the services are not readily available at the New Peebles Hospital.”

The New Peebles Hospital Still Needs More Staff and Equipment -Health Minister Skelton

Wednesday 25 February 2015

An Inspirational Weekend Of Music

FoxyWelcome Party & Inspire the Kids

Open Mic, Open Instrument Night and Music Workshop for kids.

An Inspirational Weekend Of Music

Free Pancakes to Aid Charity

free-meal-at-ihopThe IHOP® restaurant on St. Croix, Virgin Islands, will join IHOP restaurants throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the Philippines in providing help to local children by celebrating a unique and beloved IHOP restaurant tradition: National Pancake Day.

IHOP St. Croix will be offering guests the opportunity to enjoy one free short stack of their world famous buttermilk pancakes to enjoy in the restaurant. In return, they are asking that the guest make a donation of at least the cost of the pancakes to the local Women’s Coalition of St. Croix Junior Angels program to offset the travel cost of the Junior Angels’ upcoming service trip to New Jersey. The Junior Angels programs place high school students into local internships designed to integrate them into the worlds of volunteerism and philanthropy.

IHOP restaurant’s National Pancake Day tradition began in the United States in 1995 and will be marking its first decade by adding to the nearly $16 million it has already raised for charities to help their local communities.

Free Pancakes to Aid Charity

Test Post from V.I. Connections Magazine

Test Post from V.I. Connections Magazine

Walsh Metal Works Gallery Reception

Walsh Metal WorksReception will be held for the next solo exhibition of new paintings by prolific, St. Croix artist John Obafemi Jones, “Fire Down There: Uncompromising Expressions of Sounds and Color”.

The exhibit will run through March 31.

Gallery hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Individuals can also make appointments by calling or e-mailing.

Walsh Metal Works Gallery Reception